On today’s Job Application, make your words matter!


A job search can be hit or miss. Employers are looking for candidates that match up with what they are looking to hire. The modern world of empowers people to fill out online applications and use your smartphone to conduct one’s business. When filling out job applications, for example, once you post your application, you… Read more »

The Right Attitude Goes A Long Way!


What do employers believe is the most important SKILL?  Great talent?  Great experience?  Great Attitude?  Bringing quality skills is vital, and a resume filled with experience makes a great first impression. An employee that possesses a great attitude and can get along with other teammates is the most important skill that Hiring managers request when… Read more »

American Hospital Association Forcasts Trends


The American Hospital Association (AHA) recently posted it’s 2021 outlook of challenges the industry will face next year. Workforce shortages is at the top of the list.  Here are 2 of the challenges defined in the attached Whitepaper: Ramping back up for the “new normal” requires creative strategizing. It’s clear that the COVID-19 pandemic has… Read more »

Considerations For Foodservice From the CDC


Here are basic principles to keep in mind when making decisions as published by the CDC in May 2020. As restaurants and bars resume operations in some areas of the United States, CDC offers the following considerations for ways in which operators can protect employees, customers, and communities and slow the spread of COVID-19. Restaurants… Read more »

How To Give Constructive Feedback


As managers, we intuitively know that giving and getting honest feedback is essential to grow and develop, and to build successful organizations.  So why is it that many of us put off giving feedback to our employees?  Maybe it’s because there are so many ways to mess it up. Here are some common feedback mistakes:… Read more »

Let Your Etiquette Match Your Professionalism: First Class.


Etiquette, as Emily Post once declared, is the science of living. It may seem stuffy and outdated to some, but having established social protocols can be helpful in unfamiliar situations. A job search, for example, is a time where it can be a blessing to have guidelines to follow to make sure that you don’t… Read more »